Days of student science at ONMedU

Dear colleagues, students and young scientists!

This is the end of our holiday – “Days of Student Science at ONMedU”

Despite the difficult times, the Student Scientific Society and the Society of Young Scientists of our University SSS and SYoS of ONMedU held a conference at the highest level “Modern theoretical and practical aspects of clinical medicine” for students and young scientists, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Christian Barnard.

The conference was held online on the university platform Microsoft Teams.

There was a program and collection of abstracts prepared and posted on the site.…/shhorichna-naukovo-praktichna…/

It was a real holiday!

The conference was attended by students of all faculties and staff of departments of Odesa National Medical University; The works of authors from other universities of Odesa, as well as from the universities of Kharkiv, Poltava, Kropyvnytskyi, Donetsk, Kamianets-Podilskyi and other cities of Ukraine were presented.

Taking into account the experience of last year’s online conference, the members of the organizing committee were able to build the conference mode as efficiently as possible using lots of opportunities of electronic resources that the modern world offers us. Due to this, the work went smoothly and without any setbacks.

The conference was divided into sections, which were held simultaneously on the online platform Microsoft Teams. Students and young scientists had the opportunity to present their research presentations to the heads of their sections, members of the Presidium and other participants of the conference, including students, interns, graduate students, clinical residents, teachers, doctors and researchers.

There were 13 sections in the conference, each of which heard reports from students and young scientists, after which the praesidium selected the winners according to the criteria of evaluation quality.

368 works of students and young scientists were submitted to the organizing committee of the conference and, a total of 159 reports were heard and discussed, including 123 reports of students and 36 reports of young scientists.

The works and oratory skills of the speakers were evaluated by an expert jury consisting of 75 professors and associate professors of our university.

On behalf of our entire scientific community and myself, I would like to thank my esteemed colleagues and young scientists for preparing and participating in the conference.

And let me express my hope that next year we will meet with you again at scientific meetings!