
Another Isolated Hyperthermic Chemoperfusion Operation Recently, a multidisciplinary team consisting of surgeons- oncologists and vascular surgeons of the Department of Surgery N4 with a Course of Oncology conducted another isolated hyperthermic chemoperfusion operation on a lower extremity of a patient with sarcoma in the University
Solemn Graduation Ceremony for the Graduates of the Extra-Mural Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy and of MF №3 (Psychology) On March 2, 2018, in spite of the severe weather conditions, the solemn graduation ceremony for  graduates-pharmaceutists of the extra-mural department of the Faculty of Pharmacy and for graduates-psychologists of the extra-mural department of Medical Faculty №3  was held. The
No classes in ONMedU till 4.03.2018 (inclusive)! Due to the severe weather events classes at ONMedU are cancelled till 4.03.2018 On Monday 5.03.2018 classes will be carried out according to the schedule. Administration of ONMedU
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