
The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics is 100 years old! In April 1921, the Department and Clinic of Orthopedic Surgery was established. The first leader was Mykola Ivanovych Kefer, who did much for the organization and development of a new specialty not only in Odessa but throughout the USSR. In
We do good for the children of the Sun. On March 18, on the eve of World Down Syndrome Day, which was announced by the UN General Assembly on March 21, the project "Creating good for the children of the Sun" was initiated in the library. The purpose of
The library informs! Every six months the library analyzes the scientometric activities of the university. As of March 1, 2021, 478 employees of ONMedU departments were covered. The study used known scientometric (ID) profiles Web Of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar. Of the total
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Professor Mykhailo Lebedyuk on the history of one of the oldest departments of ONMedU and modern methods of treatment in dermatology and venereology   We continue the series of articles dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Odessa National Medical University and today Dr. of Med., Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology Mykhailo Mykolaiovych Lebedyuk will tell us about the
A meeting of the Academic Council has been held On February 8, 2021, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of Odessa National Medical University took place. The meeting was held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform and in several locations in compliance with anti-epidemic rules. At the beginning