
International Obstetrician Day For more than 20 years, May 5 has been considered a professional holiday of obstetricians, which has international status. The International Obstetrician Day  was created to tell people how important the work of these professionals is. Obstetricians touch the most
THE MAGICAL WORLD OF EASTER EGGS On April 26, 2024, ONMedU employees took part in an interactive event: "The Magical World of Pysanka Eggs" on the .Pasteur St., 11. The organizers were the first vice-rector of ONMedU, doctor of medicine, prof. Valeria Marichereda, prof. of the
April 26 is the International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Disaster April 26, 1986 is the day of the greatest man-made disaster in the history of mankind. During the experiment, two explosions occurred at the 4th reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. A cloud of radioactive dust escaped into the
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ONMedU Surgical School: Professor Mykhailo Kashtalyan Odesa National Medical University is not only a powerful scientific center, it is a place of creativity of brilliant personalities, scientists who are the pride of the country. We continue the cycle of stories about the leading surgeons of our
World Health Day World Health Day is an important event celebrated every year on April 7. In the modern conditions of Ukraine, which has been suffering from the military invasion for more than two years, the celebration of this day has become especially