International Cooperation

Obesity: interdisciplinary management A conference with international participation "Obesity: interdisciplinary management" was held in Odesa. It was organized by Odesa National Medical University together with the Association of Family Medicine of the Odesa Region. The purpose of the conference is to recognize obesity
Professor Viorelu Scripcariu is an Honorary Doctor of ONMedU On November 23, 2023, at the regular meeting of the Academic Council of Odesa National Medical University, many issues were considered, including the appointment of Professor Viorel Scripcariu, rector of  Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania,
Idea Jam “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” Odesa National Medical University hosted an educational and at the same time very funny and creative event - Idea Jam "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine". Although initially only students were invited to this innovative event, many graduate students and university teachers
Odesa National Medical University is a leader in innovation in education On October 25-27, 2023, the Fifteenth International Exhibition "Innovation in Modern Education" was held online, initiated by the "Exhibition World" company with the informational and methodological and organizational support of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the State