
Public discussion of the Draft Regulations on the Preparatory Department of the International Faculty Dear colleagues, graduates, and employers! We ask you to get acquainted with the Draft Regulations on the Preparatory Department of the International Faculty at Odessa National Medical University.  at Odessa National Medical University. Suggestions and comments on the above project
A regular meeting of the Council of the Society of Young Scientists of ONMedU took place On September 10, the second meeting of the Council of the Society of Young Scientists took place. 🔸The introductory word to the young scientists was addressed by the scientific director of the Student Scientific Society and the Society of Young
Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko presented a new internship model at ONMedU On September 9, the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko paid a working visit to Odessa National Medical University. The Minister presented a new model of internship, which will work from 2022, and talked to the staff of the
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New composition of the council of young scientists at Odessa regional state administration According to the order of the administration of the Odessa regional state administration from 02.08.21 # 803 / од-2021 the new structure of the council of young scientists at the Odessa regional state administration has been approved. The council includes
“Discussion club” continues in 2021-2022! Dear colleagues! We are pleased to remind you that the joint monthly project of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Simulation Medical Technologies, Training and Production Complex of Innovative Technologies of Training, Informatization, Continuing Education (SMT TPCITTICE) "Discussion club" continues