
Exceptional measures for the integration of Ukrainian educators on mobility projects in higher education in Europe under the Erasmus + Program during the war in Ukraine To create conditions to support Ukrainian educators during the war within the approved European Union Directives E + / NA / DIR / 2022/017, E + / NA / DIR / 2022/019 and E + / NA / DIR /
Free access to online courses and projects from Coursera for Campus Dear students of Odessa National Medical University! Coursera for Campus provides free access for all Ukrainian higher education institutions and their students to their free online courses and projects. You have the opportunity to join more than 5,200 courses and
The work of Odessa National Medical University during the war Assistants of the Department of Simulation Medical Technologies Andriy Dobrovolsky and Hennadiy Cheremnykh took part in the program of the South Wave TV channel, dedicated to the training of specialists at Odessa National Medical University in wartime. The profession of
A Great Holiday! Among the calendar holidays in the Ukrainian traditional culture, the central place is occupied by Easter - the holiday of resurrection! Easter rites combined pieces of the culture of previous generations of people who inhabited the territory of Ukraine for
Join learning medical cases with the British resource CAPSULE Dear teachers and students! Colleagues from Great Britain provided access to a clinical case-based learning resource CAPSULE for Ukrainian medical universities. CAPSULE is a quiz-based learning resource designed to support undergraduate medical students in the application of medical knowledge in