
The final qualifying examination OSCI-2 is taking place in ONMedU From May 20 to 29, ONMedU held the final qualifying examination for 6th year medical students in the format of OSCI (objective structured clinical exam), which is part of the SSQE (single state qualifying exam). All students were tested with
Stanislav Schneider named priorities for the Faculty of Dentistry: Expanding curricula, deepening cooperation, introduction of ICT The Faculty of Dentistry of Odessa National Medical University includes six departments, five of which have their bases in the State Institution "Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine". The institute is
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Valerii Zaporozhan: Development of Odessa University is a joint responsibility Development of Odessa National Medical University requires joint efforts and responsibilities of teaching, medical and student teams. This was stated by the rector of ONMedU, Academician Valerii Zaporozhan, summing up the meeting of the Academic Council. Due to quarantine restrictions,
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Valerii Zaporozhan: Camp “Medic” should become a modern base for training and recreation of students and teachers of ONMedU Camp "Medic" is located at Odesa, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Street, 5 (Chornomorka) on a 3.6-hectare plot of land owned by the university. The camp building was put into operation in 1957. Since 2017, the camp has not been operating due to
ONMedU adheres to all provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” in the educational process One of the conceptual principles of future employees training in the field of science and education is the formation of value bases of their activities, which, in particular, are focused on the concept of academic honesty. At the Odessa National