
Odessa National Scientific Library invited ONMedU students to the Doors Open Day September 30 marks the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries. Odessa National Scientific Library has hospitably invited us to the Doors Open Day "Library is your fulcrum", which will last from September 26 to 30, 2021. Students of the 3rd group of
Reunion of 1971 graduates of Odessa Medical University took place On September 18, a meeting of graduates of 1971 was held in the 1st lecture hall of the main building. Thanks to the organizing committee, which included well-known doctors of Odessa Palagina N.V., Tyagai O. Ya., Babenko L.B., the official
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Getting acquainted with Odessa The library of Odessa National Medical University is not only the preservation of printed and electronic publications, it is a source of energy, charging staff and students to wish to remember and learn. This academic year, the administration of ONMedU
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Onam Festival at ONMedU On August 21, Odessa National Medical University celebrated the last day of Onam festival. Onam Festival is an official ten-day harvest festival celebrated in the Indian state of Kerala. According to a legend, the spirit of the king of ancient
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Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine! Dear colleagues, students, fellow citizens! I sincerely congratulate you on the Constitution Day of Ukraine. This year is special for the Ukrainian state: today we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Basic Law, and in August we will celebrate the