Beginning of the Project “100 Famous Graduates”

We start a cycle of articles on “100 Outstanding Graduates of ONMedU”.
It is opened with doctor of sports medicine and physical rehabilitation of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Sports Medicine, Physical Rehabilitation, Valeology and Physical Education of Odessa National Medical University – Olha Henadiivna Yushkovska.
Olha Henadiivna is the author of more than 300 publications on sports medicine, physical rehabilitation and health, including textbooks for medical students, monographs on rehabilitation, student training programs, patents, author’s certificates, a large number of scientific articles and conference abstracts.
Olha Yushkovska shares her knowledge at her own lectures and master classes in Odessa, Kiev and Lviv. She is an ideological inspiration for many people. Olha Henadiivna popularizes the knowledge of healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, functional and active longevity in the masses. She was awarded with the Medal “For Commitment to Profession”, with Order of the Badge of Honour from the National Medical Chamber of Ukraine, awarded the title “Heritage of Odessa”, she also became a laureate of the “100 Most Important Women of Odessa Region” Award and a member of the European Association of Business women “, and this is far from all the regalia of the graduate of our native ONMedU.
From the Student Self-Government, Student Scientific and Young Scientists’ Society we would like to express our special thanks for the support and assistance on our way!