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MOH. Latest information of 02/04/2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, 804 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease have been recorded According to the CSH, as of 10:00 am on April 2, there are 804 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, including 20 lethal, 13 patients recovered. During
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MOH. Latest information of 04/01/2020 The MOH reports: In Ukraine, there are 669 cases of COVID-19 coronavirus disease recoerded. According to the CSH, as of 10:00 am on April 1, there were 669 laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine, of which 17 were lethal and
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COVID-19: Overview and Management by Jeremy Brown, PhD, Kevin Ahern, PhD, Raywat Deonandan, PhD u.a. In this free course, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and how to diagnose and treat the most common complications. To ease
ATTENTION! UNIVERSITY CLINIC CONTINUES FUNCTIONING University Clinic "Center for Reconstructive and Rehabilitation Medicine" at 8, Tenista St., continues functioning and adheres to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. According to the CMU Resolution No.111 of 11.03.2020 “On Prevention of Acute COVID-19 Acute
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Coronavirus. The quarantine was extended until April 24. The emergency regime has been introduced throughout Ukraine for 30 days, until April 24. In addition to this decision, the Cabinet of Ministers decreed: - to properly equip the checkpoints in emergency zones with mandatory sanitary inspection of citizens and
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