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Museums are calling! Traditionally warm months of the academic year, the Department of Social Sciences under the leadership of Associate Professor O.O Sikorska organizes visits to museum exhibitions by students of ONMedU. Responsible for the educational work of the department, Associate Professor O.O.
Advantages and disadvantages of vaccination Employees of Odessa National Medical University - acting head of the Department of General and Clinical Epidemiology and Biosafety, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Olena Kozishkurt, and Anna Rogankova, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, expressed their opinion on
Congratulations of the rector of ONMedU Valerii Zaporozhan on the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries The All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries, traditionally celebrated in Ukraine in September, testifies to the nation's deep respect for culture, education, spiritual heritage and, undoubtedly, the recognition of the great role played in the state by such a respected institution as
Odessa National Scientific Library invited ONMedU students to the Doors Open Day September 30 marks the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries. Odessa National Scientific Library has hospitably invited us to the Doors Open Day "Library is your fulcrum", which will last from September 26 to 30, 2021. Students of the 3rd group of