The Third Class as a Part of the Cycle of Master Classes for Practical Skills for III – VІ Year Students

On March 27 at 15:00 the third class as a part of the cycle of master classes for practical skills for the third-fifth year students took place.

The master class was conducted by the Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor Kateryna Anatoliyivna Kalashnikova, on the base of the Propaedeutics of Pediatrics Department.

During the class, the students had a chance to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the cardiovascular system examination in children, to develop the skills of percussion, palpation, auscultation of the heart, and also to improve their professional level generally.

By conducting such events, once again you can make sure that they are necessary, as well as that students are generally interested in this issue.

The Student Council of the university expresses its gratitude to the teachers of the department of propaedeutics of pediatrics, in particular to the professor Olena Olexandrivna Starets and the associate professor Kateryna Anatoliyivna Kalashnikova for their help in organizing and holding the event on the base of the department.