ONMedU Library: Memorial Day of defenders of Ukraine who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine

On the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of Ukraine, who died in the struggle for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the library of Odesa National Medical University held a series of events.

The stand “We honor the memory of medical heroes” was organized, dedicated to doctors who graduated from the alma mater who died during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

On the official blog of the ONMedU library, a corresponding message and announcement of informational materials and books dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Ilovaisk tragedy was made.

On August 29, in the ONMedU electronic library, teachers and first-year students were informed about the Day of Remembrance of the defenders of Ukraine who died in the struggle for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, provided with historical facts about the tenth anniversary of the battles for Ilovaisk, and familiarized with publications from the library fund.

The book exhibition is presented next to the flag, which will be presented to the head of the library department, Mrs. Iryna Grabarchuk, for her volunteer work by the military of one of the Odesa military brigades, which is currently defending our country in the Kharkiv direction.

At the beginning of the event, those present honored the memory of the victims with a moment of silence.

At the meeting, the associate professor of the Department of Family Medicine, General Practice and Polyclinic Therapy, Volodymyr Synenko, spoke about his son, a graduate of ONMedU, doctor Vitaliy Synenko, who died on May 16, 2023, during the evacuation of wounded defenders from the front line in the Bakhmut district.

Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, volunteer Al-Nadawi Nora Javad spoke with a call to honor and preserve the memory of the great feat of all – military and civilian, doctors and teachers, athletes and artists, Ukrainians and foreigners who died for Ukraine.

The sad symbol of the meeting is a sunflower flower, because on the tragic day of August 29, 2014, the field of sunflowers became for the Ukrainian defenders the corridor through which they had to pass, leaving the Ilovai encirclement.

Eternal and bright memory to the fallen Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine!