Odessa National Medical University conducts a series of trainings on vaccination against COVID-19

On July 20-21, on the basis of the Department of Pediatrics № 1 of Odessa National Medical University, a training on vaccination against COVID-19 was held for 5th and 6th year students and interns. In the future, students and interns who successfully complete the course will join the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and support health professionals who perform these duties. Involving senior students and interns in the COVID-19 vaccination will help fill gaps and meet the government’s expectations of vaccine coverage of target populations by the end of 2021.

It is the first vaccination training against COVID-19 on the basis of Odessa National Medical University. It is conducted by Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Department of Pediatrics Senkivska L.I. and assistant of the Department of Pediatrics №1 Pavlova V.V .These teachers were successfully trained in Kyiv and received certificates from Vaccination Trainers against COVID-19.

The scope and program of the training included information on the roadmap, classification, vaccine efficacy and vaccination permit, organization of temporary and permanent vaccination points, requirements for storage, transportation and use of COVID-19 vaccines. Information was provided on all vaccines used in Ukraine, adverse events after vaccination, safety issues of immunization, as well as on the diagnosis of anaphylaxis and first aid, and the introduction of information on vaccination in the electronic information system. But the most interesting part of the training was during which students and interns practiced practical skills in organizing a table for vaccination and administration of various vaccines, learned how to vaccinate from COVID-19 in a high quality and safe way to reduce the likelihood of software errors.

26 senior students and interns successfully completed the training, mastered practical skills and wrote a test.

A series of trainings is conducted by Odessa National Medical University in response to a request from WHO, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.