Students of medical institutions of the country met with the Minister of Health of Ukraine

On December 22, 2019, Minister of Health Zoryana Skaletskaya met with 20 students of medical universities of the country, including three representatives of ONMedU, in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

For one and a half hours, some important issues for higher education were being discussed regarding the introduction of internship reform, the problems of university clinics, the KROK bases and so on. In particular, the Head of Student Self-Government of ONMedU Anastasia Gromadchenko, present at the meeting, summed up the communication with the Minister:

The current 6th year students will start their internship according to the old system.
There will be  instructions to revise the KROK-2 database, to remove tests that violate Ukrainian standards, and those translated from foreign sources, as well as the names of those who made the tests will be given.
The appeal process will be improved, which will make it possible to fairly challenge the results of the licensed integrated exam not only in form but also in content.
Next week, the timetable for the preparation for KROK-2 will be published and the deadlines for the state final certification will be held.
University clinics are necessary and the mechanism for their creation will  be prescribed.
Students of our university expressed their gratitude to Zoryana Skaletskaya for payment of scholarships and salaries for the last six months.