Instructions on compliance with fire safety rules

Unfortunately, the situation with fire safety has deteriorated in Odessa recently. Only the last fire at Troitskaia Street, 25 took the lives of 16 people. And again children were killed! The city government obliged the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to immediately inform employees of all educational establishments of the city about the strict observance of the rules of fire safety and the use of primary firefighting and evacuation personnel in a case of a fire. Leonid Mykhailovych appealed to all the present to take  the observance of the rules of fire safety seriously, because the severity of the consequences of the fire depends on all of us. In particular, in each room there must be fire extinguishers in quantity in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, flashlights, individual gas masks. Both students and professors must remember the shortest escape route possible. The professor is obliged to know where each student is during the class.That is, you should always be alert, and in the event of a fire, the first step is to call 101.