On March 27, a scheduled meeting of the Academic Council of ONMedU was held

Under the chairmanship of Academician V.M. Zaporozhan, the members of the Academic Council discussed issues concerning both the optimization of the educational process and the strengthening of the image of ONMedU among Ukrainian and foreign medical universities.
Before proceeding to discuss the reports, the chairman of the Academic Council academician V.M. Zaporozhan presented awards to the students who had won karate, chess and tennis competitions. Presentations of the speakers have once again showed that the university’s staff is creatively concerned with solving any issues. For example, for successful passing the OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) by students a.i. vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical (teaching and guiding) work Professor I.P. Shmakova and vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical (for international relations) professor V.G. Marichereda) developed a project of the Center for Preparation and Taking OSCE.
For Professor O. G. Yushkovskaya, another scientific conference of students and young scientists devoted to the 90th anniversary of the birth of B. Ya. Reznik, is not just reports, it is the spirit and atmosphere of the scientific thought, a presentation of scientific works and the “Round Table”, in which students and followers of the great scientist will take part.
Professor O.O.Tarabrin, one of the initiators of the 6th Interdisciplinary International Congress of Anesthetists “Black Sea Pearl”, spoke with inspiration about the preparations for the forum, which program will be rich in lectures on topical issues, the latest knowledge and ideas not only in the field of anesthesiology, hemostasis, resuscitation and intensive care, but also in other areas of medicine.
This year, among the speakers of the congress there will be prominent scientists and specialists of the world-class, more than 700 people, not only from Ukraine expressed a desire to listen to them and communicate with them.
Listening to the speakers’ reports, there is a chance to make sure once again that for many European and American HEIs ONMedU is interesting, they want to work with it, and many scholars consider it to be hnourable to be honoured doctors of ONMedU. At this session, the title of Honorary Doctor of Odessa National Medical University was awarded to the Director General of the gynecological clinic of the University of Heidelberg, Professor Christoph Reinhard Zona (Germany).