100 Outstanding Graduates (Tykhonova Susanna Adolfivna)

Tykhonova Susanna Adolfivna is a cardiologist of the highest category, a cardiologist-consultant of the Center for Reconstructive and Rehabilitation Medicine (the University Clinic of ONMedU), a member of the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine, the European Association of Cardiologists, the Association of Anti-Age and Prophylactic Medicine of Ukraine (expert physician).
In 1987 she graduated from Odessa Medical Institute named after M. I. Pirogov with honors. After that, worked as a doctor-cardiologist in medical institutions of Odessa for 3 years.
In 1991, Susanna Adolfivna became an assistant of the Department of Hospital Therapy at Odessa State Medical University.
In 2002 she became an associate professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy of Odessa State Medical University, and in 2005 – an associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine (in 2007 – the Department of Internal Medicine №2).
Tykhonova Susanna Adolfivna defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty of “Cardiology” on the optimization of hypertension treatment. And in 2011 she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty of “Cardiology” on the topic: “Predictors of the Formation of a Hypertensive Phenotype in Young People with Hereditary Predisposition to Hypertension”.
The main direction of her scientific activity is development of personified methods of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases on the basis of detection of molecular genetic markers of these diseases.
In 2012, Susanna Adolfivna was elected Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2. She has written over 65 scientific papers, including 4 in foreign journals, 1 textbook “Emergency Therapy” for students and doctors, methodical recommendations with the stamp of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the treatment of hypertension.
At the moment, Susanna Adolfivna continues her work on optimizing the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and shares her knowledge with the future generations of doctors.