100 outstanding graduates (Selina Hayat Ivy)

Selina Hayat Ivy is a Bangladeshi politician, a doctor and the current Mayor of the city of Narayangandj (the first female mayor of Bangladesh).
She was born on June 6, 1966 in a large family, the first of five children in the family of Chunka (she has four brothers and a sister).
After school, she entered Odessa National Medical University, which she graduated with honors. Later, Selina trained at Dacca Midford Hospital, and also worked in the Midwestern Hospital and the Naraangangj Hospital for 200 beds.
In addition to medicine, Selina Hayat Ivy participated in various political and social events. In 1993, she became a member of the health and environment protection team of the Narimanganjj City League. Her active political career began in 2003 when she was elected the chairman of the Naryangang Municipality and became the first woman to be in this position. She is currently the Vice President of the Awami League of Narayanganj.
Also, Selina Hayat Ivy is the president-founder of the Ali Ahmad Chongqi Foundation and the Narayangandeh Heart Foundation.
We are proud of such a wonderful graduate of our university who has succeeded in her home country.