Compulsory components DENTISTRY

The list of required disciplines under the educational-professional program “Stomatology” of preparation of the second (master’s) level of higher education on a specialty 221 “Stomatology” 
(S – Syllabus)
Required disciplines Semester
Course of general training disciplines
(S) Foreign Language I, ІІ
(S) Latin I, II
(S) Ukrainian language (by professional orientation) I
(S) Medical biology I, II
(S) Medical and biological physics I, II
(S) Medical chemistry I
(S) Biological and bioorganic chemistry II, III, IV
(S) Human anatomy I, II
(S) Histology, cytology and embryology I, II
(S) Basic life support and labor protection I
(S) Physiology III, IV
(S) Microbiology, virology and immunology III, IV
(S) Social medicine, public health and the basics of evidence-based medicine VI
Course of professional training disciplines
(S) Clinical anatomy and operative surgery I
(S) Propaedeutics of internal medicine II
(S) Hygiene and ecology IV
(S) Pathomorphology IV,V
(S) Pathophysiology IV, V
(S) Pharmacology IV, V
(S) Medical informatics III
(S) Propaedeutics of therapeutic dentistry III, IV
(S) Propaedeutics of orthopedic dentistry III, IV
(S) Propaedeutics of pediatric therapeutic dentistry III, IV
 (Spatient care) , (Snursing in pediatric dentistry), (Sorth.dentistry), (Spropaedeutics ther.dentistry) Practical training (nursing). Therapeutic dentistry, pediatric therapeutic dentistry, orthopedic dentistry IV
(S) Intern. Med.4c, Internal medicine (including infectious diseases, epidemiology, clinical pharmacology) VII, VIII
(S) epidem,
(S inf. diseases 4c.),
(S) clin. pharm.)
(Sneur.), Surgery (including oncology, neurosurgery) VI, VII, VIII
(Ssurg.3 c),
(Ssurg. 4 c)
(S) Radiology V
(S) Prevention of dental diseases V, VI
(S) Therapeutic dentistry V-X
(S) Surgical dentistry V-X
(S) Orthopedic dentistry V-X
(S) Orthodontics V-X
(S) Tuberculosis VII, VIII
(S) Pediatrics VII, VIII
(S) Obstetrics VII, VIII
(S) Ophthalmology VII, VIII
(S) Neurology, including neurostomatology VII, VIII
(S) Dermatology, venereology VII, VIII
(S) Psychiatry, narcology VII, VIII
(S) Medical psychology VII, VIII
(S) Physical rehabilitation VII, VIII
(S) Endocrinology VII, VIII
(S) Otorhinolaryngology VII, VIII
(S) Pediatric therapeutic dentistry VII-X
(S4 c.) Pediatric surgical dentistry VII-X
(S5 c.)
(S) surg.dent.4c.,(Ssurg.dent.5c), (Sorth.dent.), (Spropped. of dent. diseases), (Sther.dent.(Schildr.dent.) Practical dental training: therapeutic dentistry, pediatric therapeutic dentistry, orthopedic dentistry, surgical dentistry VII, VIII, X
(S) Emergency and urgent medical care IX