Professor Antonio Domenico Giuliano Procopio (MD, Bachelor of Arts) is the Director of the Department of Experimental Pathology and Occupational Pathology at the University of Ancona and the Vice-Rector of the Italian National Institute for Aging.
The scope of his main scientific interests, which he acquired specialization during training and advanced training in, include management of sanitary systems, transduction of medical signals, surgical pathology, pathological anatomy, experimental immunology.
Since 1981, Professor A. D. J. Prokopio has been a member of the Medical Council of Italy (Ordine Dei Medici). In 1983-1985 he collaborated with the Fogarty International Research Society, the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health in the United States. In 1985-1986 he was a medical officer of the Italian Army, specializing in sections of microbiology and surgical pathology. In 1986-1987. Prof. A. D. J. Prokopio worked as a professor of general pathology and the head of the Department of Experimental Medicine at the University of La Sapienza (Rome), where he received the Wellcome Italia Award. Also in 1988-1990 he worked at the Faculty of Experimental Medicine at the University of Aquila, and at the Laboratory of Immunology at the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases of the United States.
In 1989-1991 Prof. A. D. J. Prokopio was the head of the research unit of the Intervener Center for the Study of Cancer. Since 1990 to the present time he has been the main researcher of competitive grant research programs of several universities. In 1991-2010, he was the leading researcher in the competitive grant research programs of the Italian Association for Cancer Treatment Researc (AIRC).
Since 1993 prof. A. D. J. Prokopio has been collaborating with the Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Children’s Diseases of the United States. Since 1992, he has been the head of the research unit of the National Research Council, since 1997 – a member of the Executive Council of the University “G. D’Annunzio “in Pescara, Italy.
In 1997-2000. Prof. A. D. J. Prokopio worked as the director and chairman of the Organization of Laboratory Medicine “SS. Annunziata “, the university hospital, and the hospital” S. Camillo De Lellis. ” In 1997-2000 he was director of the Department of Clinical Pathology and Department of Oncology and Neurology, and also an associate professor and head of the Department of Clinical Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University “G. D’Annunzio “. Since 2000 to the present time, he has been an ordinary professor and the head of the Department of General and Clinical Pathology and a member of the board of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Ancona.
In 2001-2002 prof. A. D. J. Prokopio was the director of the Institute of Experimental Pathology in Ancona, also a leading researcher in Italian national research medical projects, and he is currently a reviewer of national research projects of the Italian Department for University Education and Research. In 2003-2005 he was the leading researcher at the Strategic National Research Program of the Italian Department of Public Health, and in 2003-2006 he was a member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Carlo Bo in Urbino, Italy.
In 2003-2008 Prof. A. D. J. Prokopio was the director of the Department of Molecular Pathology and Experimental Therapy at the University of Ancona.
Since 2004 to present time prof. A. D. J. Prokopio has been the director of the Center for Clinical Pathology and Innovative Therapy, the Center for Cytology and the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the Italian National Institute for Aging at the University of Ancona. In 2005-2007 he was a member of the National Committee for Research Grants funding of the Italian Department of Health in Rome, and in 2006-15, he was the head of the program “Ecological and Industrial Pathology” at the University of Ancona. Also in 2006-2015 he was the head of the internship program for clinical pathology at the University of Ancona and the head of the internship program “Alma Mater Studiorum” at Bologna University.
In 2007-2011 Prof. A. D. J. Prokopio was the chairman of the Committee “Research and Innovation”, and since 2013 to the present time – the Director of the Department of Experimental and Occupational Pathology at the University of Ancona. Since 2014 to the present time, he has been the Vice-Rector of the Italian National Institute for Aging, and since 2015 to date, he has been the head of residency in clinical pathology and biochemistry at the University of Ancona. Since 2016, he has also been a professor and lecturer in the Science of Life program at the Polytechnic University of Della Marche in Ancona.
Scientometric indices of prof. A. D. J. Prokopio belong to the best in Italy and he is among the top 2.5% of world scientists (according to ResearchGate).