II International scientific conference

  • 29. 03. 2019


Department of Philosophy and Bioethics
Psychological Service



Dear colleagues!

We’re pleased to invite you to participate
in the II International
scientific conference



philosophical, psychological,
medical and legal polylogue


which will occur May 15, 2019 in the city of Odessa, Ukraine
at: street. Sabaneev most, 4 (House of Scientists)


The purpose of the conference is to involve scientific community in transdisciplinary discussion, stimulate and support science in Ukraine, develop international cooperation.

We plan to consider a number of theoretical and practical issues of modern philosophy, medicine, psychology, jurisprudence on issues of individual and social being of personality in sessions in the following areas:

  1. Anthropological dimension of modern knowledge.
  2. Philosophical and methodological and ethical problems of modern medicine and psychology.
  3. The problem of integrity and wholeness in philosophy, science, religion and arts.
  4. Temporal-historical features of human existence and activity.
  5. Anthropological significance of modern cognitive science.
  6. Social, psychological and somatic health components.
  7. Normative rules of healthcare and their legal justification.
  8. Individual and typical in the study of psychological and social health.
  9. The problem of self-realisation of a modern person.
  10. Tutoring problems of future specialists in the fields of education, art and healthcare.


Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish, Bulgarian.

Each participant will receive a certificate of the participant and the program of the conference, a collection of articles and conference abstracts in PDF.

Terms of participation in the conference:

By 20 April 2019 (inclusively) send an e-mail to [email protected] with:

  • A request for participation in the conference according to the given sample. File name: in Latin, for example «Petrov_request». In the request, clearly indicate the postal address for which you would like to receive the conference materials, as well as the e-mail and mobile phone number.
  • Materials of the articles (conference abstracts). File name: author’s surname in Latin (e.g.: «Petrov_abstract»).
  • The scanned receipt of payment of organizational fee. File name: author’s surname in Latin (e.g.: «Petrov_receipt»).


Note: When sending materials via email, be sure to include your last name and section in the subject line. Information about the author (authors), materials of the articles (conference abstracts) and copies of receipts are accepted in separate files, e.g. «Petrov-article», «Petrov-information», «Petrov-payment» etc.

The registration fee is 150 UAH.

Participants can pay for the registration fee on the card №5168757320022058 Privat Bank (Viktor Kryvtsov).

Within the framework of the conference, participants have the opportunity to submit scientific articles (conference abstracts) to the press (cost is 35 UAH per page). Bibliography references and annotation are also included in the total number of paid publication pages. Payment of an article is carried out only after the official confirmation of acceptance of the materials for printing. The volume of an article: from 12 pages (including reference list and annotation) to 22 pages.



  • General requirements for articles and abstracts:
  1. Manuscript size is from 2 to 5 pages of A-4 format (conference abstracts), from 0.5 to 1 printed paper (article) including a reference list.
  2. The font type is Times New Roman, font size – 14, Normal style, line height 1.5, all margins – 2 cm.
  3. The text should not contain forced wrap.
  4. The first line should contain the title (alignment – in the center, in capitals, in bold), then (to the right) – first and last names (italics, in bold), the next line (to the right) is scientific degree, academic rank, position, organization name (italics, in bold).
  5. Through a line place the contents of paper, and next place a reference list in alphabetical order.
  6. References should be indicated by square brackets which contain a reference list number and next by a comma the page number(s), for example: [7, p. 16].






  • Additional requirements for articles:
  1. Before the title (to the left) place UDC (in bold).
  2. Before the main content place an annotation and keywords (in article’s language and in English). If necessary, the translation is carried out by the organizing committee on an individual basis (indicate this in the request file).


Materials of conference will be printed without additional editing. Authors are responsible for the content and stylistics of manuscripts. Organizational committee reserves the right to reject articles and conference abstracts which don’t correspond the scientific criteria conference subject and above specified requirements.


Our address: Ukraine, Odessa, Olgievska street, 13, Odessa National Medical University, Department of Philosophy and Bioethics (3rd floor).

Responsible person: director of LLC IAPA, head of psychological service of Odessa National Medical University – Kryvtsova Natalya Vyacheslavivna

Contact phones: +38(067)2698611 (Khanzhy Volodymyr Borysovych), +38(067)4156955 (Kryvtsova Natalya Vyacheslavivna), +38(050)3334363, +38(067)9058371 (Medyanova Olena Volodymyrivna), +38(093)4307777 (Terzi Olena Oleksandrivna).



The Committee of the Conference




First name, Last name


Scientific degree ______________________________________________________

In the rank of _________________________________________________________

Position, the job is _____________________________________________________


Address for sending materials



phone number: ______________________ е-mail: ___________________________



Direction of work of the conference ____________________________________________________________________