Informational and Communicative Event “EUREKA Info Day”

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine invites you to participate in the informational and communicative event “EUREKA info day”, which will be held on October 5, 2018, at the premises of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at 16, Taras Shevchenko Boulevard, in the assembly hall.

The purpose of the event is to inform about participation in the International European Innovative Scientific and Technical Program “EUREKA”, intensification of introduction of innovative scientific and technical developments in the production, and implementation of competitive non-military researches and developments in the global market.

The EUREKA program contributes to the development of competitive products, introduction of the latest technological processes, provision of high-quality services, expansion of international cooperation, increase in labor productivity, involvement of industrial and research institutions in the implementation of joint developments.

Participants of the event will receive the information on opportunities for participation in joint innovation projects with partners of participating countries of the EUREKA program, the criteria for selecting potential network projects of the program, attracting external sources of financing innovative projects, and will be able to communicate with project implementers from Ukraine.

Registration of participants is on September 28, 2018, by the link:

Registration for participation in the event is obligatory. Participation in the event is free of charge.