HAL® S3201 Advanced Tetherless Patient Simulator

Hal® 3201 sets a global standard for medical simulation. Tetherless technology allows the communications, compressor, and power supply to be inside HAL®, eliminating external tubes, wires, and compressors. HAL® operates continuously during transport and training can occur in the working environment. Rush HAL® from the accident scene to the ER, to the ICU, while care providers diagnose and treat his condition using real monitoring and resuscitation equipment. Control HAL® at distances up to 300 meters and between rooms and floors of conventional buildings. HAL® smoothly transitions between physiologic states in response to commands from a wireless PC

Уверенный курс в гавань профессионализма    Gaumard® Scientific- The New NOELLE® S550.100 Birthing Mechanism
· Programmable airway: tongue edema, laryngospasm, and pharyngeal swelling
· Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
· Right mainstem intubation
· Placement of conventional airway adjuncts
· Endotracheal intubation
· Retrograde intubation
· View vocal cords with Sellick maneuver
· Realistic surgical trachea allows tracheostomy or needle cricothyrotomy
· Control rate and depth of respiration and observe chest rise
· Select independent lung sounds: upper right front and back; upper left front an back; lower right front and back; lower left front and back
· Chest rise and lung sounds are synchronized with selectable breathing patterns
· CO2 on exhalation (4 levels) using replaceable cartridge mounted inside the simulator
· Attach to real mechanical ventilators
· ECGs are generated in real time with physiologic variations never repeating textbook patterns
· Heart sounds may be auscultated and are synchronized with ECG
· View dynamic rather than static 12 lead rhythms
·12 Lead ECG with integrated MI model
· Measure blood pressure by palpation or auscultation
· Use real BP cuff rather than a “virtual” cuff to measure blood pressure
·Korotkoff sounds audible between systolic and diastolic pressures
· Oxygen saturation detected using real monitors rather than a “virtual” value
· Pulse sites synchronized with BP and heart rate
· Bilateral IV arms with fill/drain sites
Drug Recognition System
Neural Responses