“Speaking club” returns in online form!

“There are three mistakes in human communication: the first is the desire to speak before it is necessary; the second is shyness, impossibility to speak when it is necessary; the third is to speak without attention to your listener” – Confucius

Dear colleagues!

We are pleased to announce that monthly joint project of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Training Production Complex of Innovative Technologies of Teaching, Informatization, Continuing Education and Internal Monitoring of Education Quality (NVK ITNIBO) “Speaking club” returns in compliance with the Resolution of  Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №211 “Prevention of spreading on the territory of Ukraine of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ”in online form!

We remind you that “Speaking Club” was created for students of ONMedU of different levels of English. Participants have the opportunity to discuss interesting clinical cases and prepare themselves for work in specific conditions that may arise during further medical practice. All cases are modeled by doctors-practitioners and moderated by the teaching staff.

The next meeting, which will take place on October 21, 20 at 2:30 p.m. , is dedicated to the “Communication with a difficult patient”, where the role of a sick person will be performed by employees of the Standardized Patients Unit of NVK ITNIBO, with whom 6th year students are already familiar.

Students of 4-6 courses of medical and foreign faculties are invited to the meeting.

To participate in the online form of “Speaking Club”, please contact the link on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andre.dobrowolskiy or Instagram: https://instagram.com/dr.dobrovolskii and set up the recommended equipment : constant connection to the Internet, headphones, video communication, active University account in Microsoft Teams.

We are waiting for you!

See you!